Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bionicle Legends 2009 Vehicles Images

Here are the vehicle images!


Cendox V1:


Skopio XV-1 Folded:

Skopio XV-1 Un-Folded:

Does Anyone Miss This?

Does Anyone Miss The Toa Mata? They were so simple, I definitely miss them :` (
I think it would be cool if Bionicle re-released the original Bionicles, like the Bohrok. Anyway, I put this up as a reminder of Bionicle's history.

Bionicle The Legend Reborn Movie Cover

The Legend Reborn Movie is Bionicle's most recent movie title, it is about the Legends series of Bionicle, this week the cover art was revealed. Here is the image.

Bionicle Legends Toa Box Images Popping Up

Sure enough, on Amazon France, Images of three of the Toa have popped up on Amazon. Here Are The Images:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bionicle Legends 2009 Toa




Here Are The Best Picture I could Find.

Summer 2009, The Greatly Anticipated Legends

They might not be Greatly Anticipated Legends to you, but I have been waiting for this series for quite some time. I already want to buy them all, but have to carefully consider who I want. I'll put up some pics in the next post. THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!